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The Truth About Men


This is really the first bit of content that I have shared regarding my target audience. I became aware of the fact that I had to really decide on who I wanted to work with and why if I was going to have any significant connection and impact when doing my work. After nearly a year of contemplating this I realised that I wanted to work with men.

Specifically men who are wanting to find balance within their lives. It may just be in one area or in all. The great thing is that when you shift one area of your life positively it tends to have a good ripple effect on the others s yes, it all comes from you.

So, why do I want to work specifically with men? Well I feel drawn to really understand and support the opposite gender. It's a polarity thing. I also spent a significant portion of my childhood living with my father and older brother. So I feel that I got to understand men on a deeper level. I also see a real misunderstanding for where many men are coming from. I'm talking about the assumptions that most men don't feel deeply, don't experience vulnerability, insecurities, loneliness, overwhelming stress etc.

I really feel drawn to help men deal with stress in a way that benefits themselves and others. I honestly feel that a nurturing, understanding, supportive and constructive approach from me as a woman towards issues that a lot of men struggle to open up about is really what is needed right now.

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